Thank you for your interest in my services. I truly love what I do and I cherish the opportunity to work with new families to help them meet their breastfeeding goals. I am an experienced RN, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE) who helps my clients reach their individual breastfeeding goals whether breastfeeding is going well or you need a little more support for complex issues.
I have experience with suck dysfunction, oral exercises, suck training, tongue and lip ties, low milk supply, induced lactation, nursing twins, and more.
I also offer health coaching and am a Primal Certified Health Coach. I would love to help you achieve your health and wellness goals!

Prenatal Consult
Fee: $85
General breastfeeding information is provided at your prenatal consult. We will use this time to address your specific needs and concerns to help you get breastfeeding off to a good start for both you and baby.

Initial Lactation Consult
Fee: $120 Office Visit or $140 Home Visit
Consult typically lasts 1.5 hours and includes a complete medical history, pregnancy/birth history, and top feeding concerns will be discussed, next baby will be weighed on digital scale before and after feeding, and full feeding observation will take place. An oral exam and breast exam will also help give a complete assessment at this consult before an individualized care plan is made to solve top issues. Includes email or text support for two weeks to give further support.

Follow Up Lactation Consult
Fee: $100 Office Visit or $120 Home Visit
A follow up typically lasts one hour to continue working on breastfeeding issues, oral exercises, checking infant weight gain and milk transfer. Provides the overall extra support mom and baby may need.

Virtual Lactation Consult
Fee: $85
For those who are unable to travel to Sioux Falls, consultations are offered through Spruce, a secure video and texting platform. Sessions typically last one hour and include a complete medical history, pregnancy/birth history, and top feeding concerns will be discussed. A full feeding observation will take place along with curating an individualized care plan to solve top issues.

Lamaze Childbirth Education Classes
Fee: $75/Session
Ideally three sessions or more are needed to cover the labor and delivery process, relaxation techniques and breastfeeding preparation. I will customize the information for the birth you desire, whether you are planning an unmedicated birth, having an epidural, home or hospital birth. These classes will help you feel confident and prepared.

Primal Health Coaching
Fee: Varies depending on the package
Health Coaching is a team effort. I work alongside you to help you create the healthy, vibrant life you deserve. Coaching can be done in person or virtually. There are many different packages and plans available.
A Haven For All Women
Alicia is available for home visits in the Sioux Falls, South Dakota area or office visits at Pascoe Chiropractic. Virtual visits are an option as well.
Prices are subject to change and local sales tax will be added. Health Haven Consulting is willing to work with anyone regardless of your ability to pay. Please call or email to discuss how we can help.
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